Multi-disciplinary expertise Under Geoff’s guidance, our team has grown and diversified to reflect the changing environmental and revegetation needs of our clients. Today, our highly qualified and experienced team of specialists provides an unparalleled depth and breadth of knowledge. In addition to first-hand practical experience in the flora and vegetation of the majority of WA’s bioregions, our team’s expertise spans myriad environmental and ecological disciplines, from seed and rare flora biology to soil science, native vegetation assessment and seed supply logistics. Western Botanical provides technically sound reporting to the highest standards, which is why so many of our clients count us as long-term partners.
Experienced       Economical            Effective
Projects & Achievements
Spanning WA The revegetation & botanical consulting spectrum Private and public clients across WA engage our services, from the Kimberley to the South Coast and from the Swan Coastal Plain to the Great Victoria Desert. Here’s a selection of our larger recent projects:
API Joint Venture & Aquila Resources Fortescue Metals Group Rio Tinto Exploration BHP Billiton’s Leinster, Yakabindie, Yeelirrie and Mt Keith operations Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore (Windarling, Mt Jackson and Koolyanobbing) Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations Tectonic Resources Department of Environment and Conservation Alkimos Water Alliance Tiwest Joint Venture (Cooljarloo) Southern Seawater Joint Venture (Binningup Desalination Plant) BHP Billiton Minerals Exploration Division and Anglo American Exploration BGC – Barclay Mowlem Joint Venture (Northam Bypass) Downer EDI Rewards Ltd Mount Gibson Iron Ore and Extension Hill Pty Ltd
Multi-disciplinary expertise Under Geoff’s guidance, our team has grown and diversified to reflect the changing environmental and revegetation needs of our clients. Today, our highly qualified and experienced team of specialists provides an unparalleled depth and breadth of knowledge. In addition to first-hand practical experience in the flora and vegetation of the majority of WA’s bioregions, our team’s expertise spans myriad environmental and ecological disciplines, from seed and rare flora biology to soil science, native vegetation assessment and seed supply logistics. Western Botanical provides technically sound reporting to the highest standards, which is why so many of our clients count us as long-term partners.
Projects & Achievements
Spanning WA The revegetation & botanical consulting spectrum Private and public clients across WA engage our services, from the Kimberley to the South Coast and from the Swan Coastal Plain to the Great Victoria Desert. Here’s a selection of our larger recent projects: